Held in Albany, Georgia
Class XI of Peanut Leadership Academy held its second session April 3rd-5th in Albany, Georgia in conjunction with the American Peanut Shellers Association’s 100th anniversary celebration.
Aside from attending the APSA Gala and Industry Spring Conference, Leadership Academy participants had the opportunity to tour Tara Foods and Kelley Manufacturing Company (KMC), in addition to hearing UGA’s Peanut Research Overview from agronomist Dr. Scott Monfort.
Among the 20 PLA Participants, those representing Texas include Lexi Floyd of Brownfield, Benny Teichroeb of Seminole, and Rustin Knight, also of Brownfield.
We are excited to host the third session of Peanut Leadership Academy in Texas, which will be held August 12-15, 2019 in Lubbock.